You can add new content and release the dictionaries for all consortia.

Adding new variables

When you need to add new variables you need to perform 2 steps: - Adding the new variables to the dictionaries - Reshaping your data to DataSHIELD backend format

Adding new dictionaries (data schemes)

When you add new dictionaries you need to place them in /dictionaries/core/x_x or /dictionaries/outcome/x_x.

For WP1 and 3 these 3 tables are namespaces this way:

  • 2_0_core_non_rep.xslx
  • 2_0_core_yearly_rep.xslx
  • 2_0_core_monthly_rep.xslx
  • 2_0_core_trimester_rep.xslx

For WP4, 5 and 6 these tables are created:

  • 1_0_outcome_non_rep.xslx
  • 1_0_outcome_yearly_rep.xslx
  • 1_0_outcome_monthly_rep.xslx
  • 1_0_outcome_weekly_rep.xslx

You need to place them into R/data/dictionaries/x_x as well.

Finally you need to amend the changelogs, check amend changelogs

Please use the pull-request flow. For more information check GIT workflow


We are using an implementation of semantic versioning (semantic versioning). A better explanation on using semantic versioning in data can be found here: semantic versioning for data products.

We now can distinguish 4 tables for the core variables and 4 tables for the outcome variables. They will be released in 2 sets. One for the core variables and one for the outcome variables.

Core variables

  • non repeated measures
  • monthly repeated measures
  • trimester measures
  • yearly repeated measures

Outcome variables

  • non repeated measures
  • weekly repeated measures
  • monthly repeated measures
  • yearly repeated measures

The version-scheme is as follows:

dictionary-major _ dictionary-minor - dictionary-kind - tablename


  • 1_1_dict-kind_non_rep.xlsx
  • 1_1_dict-kind_weekly_rep.xlsx
  • 1_1_dict-kind_monthly_rep.xlsx
  • 1_1_dict-kind_trimester_rep.xlsx
  • 1_1_dict-kind_yearly_rep.xlsx


We are using semantic versioning in the data dictionary in LifeCycle. The implementation we now use is:

  • Major
    • Remove columns from the existing tables
  • Minor
    • Add additional columns to the existing tables
    • Renaming of columns within the exisiting tables (the original column remains in the set)
    • Changing the columntype within the existing tables


To keep track of all the changed within the different versions of the dictionaries and data releases we need to have changelogs. This way we can trace back what has happened in which release.

Dictionary releases